Friday, January 16, 2009

Am I missing something...

I'm wondering how on earth I can be a seemingly normal girl, full of ambition, and self control and yet I can't seem to loose the ten pounds that I have put on in the last two years. Is there some trick that I'm not aware of? As a girl of an age that should be perfect for keeping trim and fit, I'm grappling with the notion that I'm out of the loop as to how to have the self control to not indulge in one more cookie, or one more helping of Chicken Panang. I'm I missing something? Britney Spears seems like she is someone who doesn't have much control, her father has control over her finances, and judges make all sorts of decisions as to what she can do with her children, on and on. This post isn't a Britney Spears post but DAMN! She is looking pretty fit if nothing else. How is this done? Is it just that she has enough money to have someone else be in control of her food and excerise regimin? When it is all said and done, I must be minus the gene that one must have to put the fork down, and get up on the treadmill. If Britney Spears can do this then surely, I can somehow muster a bit of restraint, and only eat the one serving of Thai, rather than two...More on these adventures soon...

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