Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bad Las Vegas Fashion

Listen girls, this is NOT an attempt at making fun, or embarrassing anyone. I'm simply wondering where this "fashion" is coming from. Why on earth do we as a city, and as a group of young people condone this sort of behavior for our young women. I ask, has anyone in Las Vegas picked up a fashion magazine in the last five years? Well, I doubt that even five years ago, there was anything resembling what is being worn out on the town today. But back to the point....I really encourage our young women who come from all over, to think about what they are putting on before going out. Don't we all have a little responsibility to ourselves to have a specific point of view and to not simply put whatever BEBE dress is on the manequin on? I simply would like to see a variety in what girls are putting on. Surely each and every girl that goes out doesn't really all love the tight, jewel colored dress that shows lots of skin, with false nails, hair, breasts, hair color, etc. I'm putting a call out to all these lovely ladies, to ask themselves the next time they are going out with girls, what image do I really want to project? What is flattering on my body? I'm hoping that we can create a city of individuals and not this second rate version of LA style, with bedazzled shirts and tight dresses, and the Vegas highlight job (This is to you also boys, but that is really a whole issue in itself).

1 comment:

  1. lmao ... tooooo funny!
    i'm so tired of that nonsense as well!
    but they all dress the same so it's not even like they can help each other!
